May 2019 screensaver and print download is here. Enjoy this hand lettered bible verse art print and desktop and mobile wallpaper.
When I dove into the meaning of this scripture for the May 2019 screensaver and print download, I was moved by the amount of God’s “abounding” provision for us.

First, let’s look at the dictionary’s definition of the word ABOUND.
- to be present in large numbers or in great quantity
to be copiously supplied
So here is how God blesses you …
God’s grace is not attached with His wealth or His love, that He should give a little less than required (what we deserve) or give us just a little at a time.
“There are no sluices on that great stream so as to regulate its flow, and to give sometimes a painful trickle and sometimes a full gush, but this fountain is always pouring itself out, and it ‘abounds.’” (McLaren’s Exposition)
Doesn’t that give you a mental picture that causes your heart to skip a beat! Knowing that we have a God who is The Creator of ALL things. And ALL things belong to him and he is able to freely bless us with ALL THINGS AT ALL TIMES!
“God is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. ”
Here’s what we need to understand about this abounding grace we are freely given…
“so that”
Did you catch that part?
So that could also be said “in order that.” God’s gifts are presented on us, not that we may have them to ourselves, but that we may the more “abound in good works” to others.
In other words, we open our hands wide to receive God’s blessings. And we keep them open wide and give each one away!
What good would all this abundance of blessings be if we didn’t use them? Imagine a fountain gushing forth with water. This is the picture of what God is doing here for you and me with his blessings. How would we use all these blessings if we kept them and held onto them all? We wouldn’t be able to!

We are meant to use these blessings for every good work. For every single opportunity put in front of us. These are God’s provisions! This is how God uses us for the kingdom.
This, right here, is God telling YOU that YOU have a major part to play in this world. A great and meaningful purpose that He provides everything you need for.
So what we can get here is this…
We are to always give liberally, lavishly… extravagantly! Give, give, give is the message here. And we will never be impoverished by giving but instead live expectantly that God will abundantly provide all we need each day!
If we want to receive abundance from God then we are to give abundantly to others!
I hope you’ll enjoy the May 2019 screensaver and print download freebie’s. It’s amazing to see how God always meets every single one of our needs. Even when we can’t image a way. As I’ve focused on the word “abundance”, God has shown me more of what the meaning of abundance means.