Here are 2 truths to help you when fear creeps in and wants to stop you from achieving great things.
“And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.”
I am starting to see maybe a little bit in my own life what God has been up to these last couple of years. Revealing things in me that have been holding me back, lies I believed that prevented me from fully pursuing God’s plans and promises for me. I’m sensing God calling my family to trust him more.
We recently were afforded another opportunity to truly trust God.
This quote was something I hand lettered a couple of years ago. It resonated with me then because it’s true, but also because God always seems to work in my family this way – by calling us out of our comfort zone.
Stepping outside of your comfort zone is a scary thing to do. But I know from past experience, and from scripture, that when we do great things happen.
We talk a lot here about doing things afraid and chasing after our dreams. I was thinking this morning how part of that means that in order for us to do this, we need to pray that God opens up doors for us in our life to allow us opportunities.
So let’s remember that when God sends us open doors those doors may lead us right out of our comfort zone.
I remember almost fifteen years ago when I was wanting to leave my Human Resources administrative job to actually do something that I love to do and something that would allow me to make my own hours so I could be more involved in my husbands ministry. I felt God leading me to leave that job but at the time I wasn’t sure how exactly that would work out. He had placed an open door right in front of me in such a cool way though. The sister of our pastor was a faux finisher and I didn’t even know it. I didn’t even know her. But a friend of ours at our church told me to call her and I did.
Now, I was still nervous about not having a scheduled pay-check. Who wouldn’t be, right? I mean… bills. So I became a substitute teacher. This was perfect because I could take jobs when I didn’t have any painting jobs lined up. Only it wasn’t perfect, it was miserable. I hated it. Let’s just say I learned quickly that working with students in a school is not at all close to the same as working with students in ministry.
I really felt the Lord telling me I was supposed to solely do this painting thing which meant I was to solely rely on Him to bring me opportunities.
Can I just say y’all, I did quit subbing. And I’m not lying when I say the painting opportunities came. And not only that, but Jamie and I almost immediately became business partners.
Here’s the thing… as we pray for open doors from God, we need to pray for the strength and courage to walk through them knowing that fear will creep into our thoughts and as we are taken out of our comfort zones. But God knows that this is hard for us. He knows our human nature is for security, for practical solutions, for easy and comfortable.
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
God truly cares about you. About me. He wants to know what scares us and causes us to lose sleep at night. Pursing great things is not an easy thing to do. Not a lot of people will do it because it’s hard. But y’all, God calls us to do GREAT THINGS! He created us to bring Him glory. What better way to do that then by stepping out of our comfort zone, walking through those open doors despite our fears and into the scary unknown in pursuit of His plan for us.
This verse from Peter is a great one to write down on a notecard and keep in your pocket, on your mirror or the dashboard of your car. Wherever you spend most of your time or will see the most. It’s okay to be scared as we walk towards the unknown. The important thing is that we DO IT anyway. Do it scared. We can do this by giving all our worries and concerns over to Him. And remembering the promise in Philippians, that God will meet ALL (not some) our needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
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