Y’all, can I just tell you that I know I’m blessed.
I had such a fun time getting to know the other amazing women artists at the Dorothy Art Pop-Up this past weekend. We chatted about things we had in common and other artist’s we like and admire. We talked about our families and just life in general. We shared our passions and it felt so good to be in a space with these girls who all love to paint and create!

It was a pretty awesome day and it just confirmed how much I love what I do and how much I love my city! Memphis is full of some amazing creatives.
Monday I did a Facebook Live video. I really just wanted to express to y’all how much I appreciate YOU! I shared my heart behind why I paint and how it helps me to be a better me. If you want to know more about that you can still watch the video.
Several weeks ago I saw a quote that really resonated with me and made me think hard about the message I want to pass onto my boys.
“A heart without dreams is like a bird without feathers.”
As their mom, I want so much to help my boys discover and really know the dreams that God places in their hearts. And because it’s a God-given dream they can chase that dream with all that’s in them. I want them to put aside what the world sometimes tells us and focus only on what God has put in their heart. That is their true calling and purpose! Dreams can be a reality.
This was the beginning of my Dreams & Feathers series. I first painted a larger piece, 24 x 36, and then went on to do several smaller sizes, thus the beginning of my first series was born. These will be available in the shop this Friday at noon.
So can I just say it again? I’m really blessed by the people that God has surrounded me with, both here beside me in my community and also in this online world of social media and the internet. Thank you for always supporting and being a positive force spurring me on!