April 2019 screensaver and print download is here. Enjoy this hand lettered bible verse art print and desktop and mobile wallpaper.
I’ve shared a lot about my journal and how I’ve been doing it as apart of my morning routine for years now. I can’t remember when I started but I honestly don’t remember a time when journaling wasn’t a part of my special time I spend with God.

A few years after Bart and I were married, he was a student pastor at a brand new church plant here in Memphis. And I had just started my business in decorative painting with Jaime. Discretionary money was not a phrase that was in our vocabulary. Also, we were waiting and wondering how in the world God was going to give us a family.

“Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.”
The bible verse for the April 2019 screensaver and print download has been a very meaningful one for my family.
I’ve written it in the front of my journal every time I’ve started a new one just as a reminder to keep this my focus. And every time I wonder how the heck He is going to do it… He always always comes through on this promise.
I hope you’ll download the April 2019 screensaver and print. And really make this promise your focus for the month. It’s amazing to see how God always meets every single one of our needs even when we can’t image a way. As I’ve focused on my word for the year “abundance”, God has shown me more and more of what the true meaning of His abundance means.