3 Easy Ways To Unlock Your Creativity

Melissa Lewis Art 3 Ways To Unlock Creativity

Let’s talk about 3 easy ways to unlock your creativity and also overcome artist block.

Every artist and creative struggles from time to time with feeling blocked. Or sometimes we simply need some extra help being inspired creatively and being more productive.

I created a free worksheet compiling a list of over fifteen ways to help you feel more creative and to help you overcome artist block.

In this video, I explain why three of these tips are habits of successful artists today. Even research has proved them to be effective. And you won’t even feel like you are really having to work at anything.

I find myself often doing all three of these. Not only do they help me find inspiration and be more imaginative, but I find that some of these will help me with my productivity. I don’t really need to feel like I’m going through the dreaded artist block. We all know we need to be productive to reach our goals!

So really, this should be called 3 Ways to Unlock Your Creativity And How to Be A Winner At Life!

You don’t have to call yourself an artist to be creative. Being and feeling more creative unleashes inspiration and motivation in all areas.

When applying these tips, we do have to be self-aware as well.

Sometimes the very things that can help increase our creativity and overcome artist block can also send us into a spiral of procrastination. When we’re cleaning and de-cluttering, we can quickly loose track of our purpose and not even tackle our to-do list or step in front of our craft. Often, when we are scrolling though Pinterest for inspiration, we can go down the rabbit-hole and before we know it we’ve spent a whole day scrolling. Even worse, we can start to go down the comparison trap.

Here’s a Bonus Tip for you when you find yourself in need of using these 3 tips.

Set a timer. This way you’ll be reminded that there is a purpose to your current task. Your not just scrolling for fun, listening to music to dance and sing, or cleaning to accomplish a chore. The goal is to utilize this tips with the end goal of being more creative in mind. So get out all your creative tools and get going!

Download 15+ Ways to Boost Your Creativity!